Man-Glenwood Lexington Associates Portfolio LLC ([NONE])

Number of records: 3
SEC FilingInsiderCompanyTrade DateTransactionSharesAvg. PriceTotal% HoldingsReturn
14-May-04 10:00 PM
Glenwood Capital Investment...
Man-Glenwood Lexington Asso... ([NONE]) 31-Mar-04Sale 1$10,149,200.00$10,149,200.00(100%)
1 to 0
14-May-04 10:00 PM
Glenwood Capital Investment...
10% Owner
Man-Glenwood Lexington Asso... ([NONE]) 31-Dec-03Sale 1$11,720,400.00$11,720,400.00(100%)
1 to 0
14-May-04 10:00 PM
Glenwood Capital Investment...
10% Owner
Man-Glenwood Lexington Asso... ([NONE]) 30-Sep-03Sale 1$11,940,000.00$11,940,000.00(100%)
1 to 0